Friday, September 1, 2006

10 Reasons to dissolve SCCA

We are always looking for help. Volunteers are needed to help distribute the news letter SHOUT and to man the tables when the recall petition is set up at the shopping center.

How to Help

Send any donation you can. Volunteer in any way you can. Write your own story of frustration or abuse and permit us to publish it on the web site. Tell your neighbors. Vote no on the amendments. Sign the recall petition.

10 Good reasons to totally dissolve SCCA

1. Malfeasance - failing its fiduciary duty to the members, to comply with its own bylaws, failing to provide accurate and detailed financial reports, . .
2. Incompetence - The special election ballot was so poorly written they had to cancel it, they bungled the sale of SCCA property to EMWD and Corbett Park, . . .
3. Dishonesty - They lied about lenders balking at loans due to above 15% rentals, that disclosure of salaries is priveleged information, and other issues. Can you believe anything they say?
4. Ignorance - They are not qualified to determine property values, set architectrual standards, nor create new CC&R's. . .
5. Irresponsibility - Spending membership monies on inefficiently written ballots and canceling it, frivolous law suits, sending letters over trivia...
6. Mean Spiritidness -persisting in harassing members in the face of facts, logic, and reason, refusing to concede, abusing and intimidating....
7. Abuse of Power - using the silent threat of non judicial foreclosure upon residents growing California poppies and other piddling items. . .
8. Obsolescence - Due to 45 year old CC&R's Sun City is designated a blighted area-....
9. Arrogance - refusing to be accountable for its actions to the members, treating members as children, stupid, or criminals....
10. No Value in return for dues we pay -- what have we got to show for our yearly dues?

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